Parramatta Light Rail (‘PLR’) Stage 1 will connect Westmead to Carlingford via the Parramatta CBD and Camellia with a two-way track spanning 12km, planned to open in 2023.
This route will link Parramatta CBD and train station to the Westmead Precinct, Parramatta North Growth Centre, the new Bankwest Stadium, the Camellia Town Centre, the new Powerhouse Museum and Riverside Theatres, the private and social housing redevelopment at Telopea, Rosehill Gardens Racecourse, and three Western Sydney University campuses.
By 2026, around 28,000 people will use PLR every day and an estimated 130,000 people will be living within walking distance of light rail stops.
Touch Projects were engaged by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and embedded within the Light Rail team for the Parramatta project.
Our primary role was the Construction & Delivery advisor to TfNSW. Throughout our engagement we undertook several peer reviews on the principal design, provided interpretations on construction estimates and took a lead role in assessing the various construction methodologies proposed for numerous high-risk and technically challenging locations.
During the first six months of the engagement we reviewed the principal design for the 12km alignment. Several recommendations were made which the Technical Committee considered.
The review considered opportunities to refine the alignment, light rail structure & composition, road separation, signalling installation and operations.
A number of these recommendations were implemented into the design that have resulted in significant savings to the project.
Interactive sessions where held during tender time and Touch Projects were a key contributor on all construction related matters. During this time we led a team of specialised advisors on assessing the deliverables including the tender requirements, construction risks and operational outcomes.
A tender evaluation report was developed and submitted to the Tender Assessment Committee (TAC) assisting them in selection of a Head Contractor from the shortlisted tenderers.
Touch Projects’ were engaged from October 2017 to April 2019 to provide Construction and Delivery advice to TfNSW, and concluded when tender evaluations where completed and the Head Contractor was appointed.